Energy Saving Potential of a Wide Deployment of e-Bikes in Switzerland

This work was done in collaboration with Dr. René Buffat, Dr. Andreas Frömelt and Prof. Dr. Martin Raubal.
With the Energy Strategy 2050, Switzerland committed to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 43% until 2035. Currently, the transport sector is the only sector without a decrease in energy consumption. In our recent publication (also presented at Scientifica 2019), we analyzed the energy and greenhouse gas reduction potentials when e-bikes are used instead of internal combustion engine cars for commuting. Our analysis includes different scenarios for the minimal temperature, maximal precipitation as well as trip duration acceptable to take the e-bike. The results show that energy reductions between 10% and 17.5% are possible. If you are interested in the saving potentials in your municipality, please visit this website. You can find the paper on Researchgate.